QR Codes  

SHS 150 Website 

QR code for Reunion SHS 150 Website - brings you to the SHS 150 home page where you can register, volunteer or call for any type of help.

QR code for online charitable donations (1 of 2), "Lucky Spike", scanning code will bring you to the description of the code and how to donate.

Basic details: The family of long-time SHS coach Ken Dearborn (1946-2020), representing ALL SHS coaches, both past and present, who believe that no student-athlete wishing to be a Golden Eagle should be denied the opportunity because of financial hardship, establishes this fund. 

Lucky Spike Fund

QR code for online donations (2 of 2),  "SHS150  Alumni Fund for Students, scanning code will give you the full details of what the fund is about. 

Basic details: The "Sydenham High School 150th Alumni Fund for Students" will make monies available for bursaries, student activity subsidies, inclusion in school life, and field trip opportunities. 

SHS 150 Alumni Fund